Programmes / Activities for Music Programme @ ALPS
Recess Busking
Held once a term, recess busking is an informal avenue where students can showcase their musical talent to their peers. Through such platforms, our student performers will be able to harness their instrumental skills and build confidence through performance. Student audience will also pick up performance etiquette tips and music appreciation during busking.
Recess Play @ the MusicKingdom
Students can play with the outdoor instruments at the MusicKingdom during recess play. They can hone their music making skills through unstructured, collaborative play, or just explore the timbres of the instruments available there.

Music Activities during International Friendship Week.
The aim of the International Friendship Week programme is to allow students to learn about the cultures and practices of people from different countries. They can learn more about the musical traditions, as well as have a hands-on session on the instruments.

Key Music Programmes:
Lower Primary: The students are taught the fundamental elements of music in Primary 1 and 2. The focus would be on percussive instruments to provide the beat and rhythm of music, as well as singing. They will create a soundscape based on stimulus given to them. The seeds of cooperation and creativity are planted through group compositions and performances in class.
Middle Primary: The Primary 3 and 4 students learn how to play the recorder, ukulele, and continue to develop their percussion and singing skills as an ensemble. They will begin their first foray into digital song writing and chiptunes production using Chrome Music Lab.

Upper Primary: The students will compose their own song and lyrics in a songwriting module. They are taught to use the GarageBand app on the iPad to create music in a jam band. The students learn the skills of critical and inventive thinking, as well as collaborative learning through these modules.